An immigration program at no cost to the government | Rick Pasko

The immigration bill should focus on providing a fair sensible program to satisfy the needs of the U.S. economy and it’s citizens. There are 12-30 million illegal foreigners in the United States dispersed in every state. They are situated in jobs that require the fulfillment by employers that appeal to mostly unskilled workers.

The immigration bill should focus on providing a fair sensible program to satisfy the needs of the U.S. economy and it’s citizens. There are 12-30 million illegal foreigners in the United States dispersed in every state. They are situated in jobs that require the fulfillment by employers that appeal to mostly unskilled workers. The following program will meet and satisfy all the arguments every program recommended by our politicians that have objected or favored previous programs and this immigration bill wouldn’t cost our government a cent.


An employment agency system supervised by the federal government, but operated by the private sector is the recommendation rather than a government agency. Place the program out for bit to any national employment agency to administer. The basic requirement would be to set up employment offices in every state or region and advertise to employers to send in their work force requirements or job openings for the year. Then once the jobs needs are recorded the agency would advertise the jobs available in each state or region. U.S. citizens would have the first priority to fill these jobs; any jobs not filled would be open for foreigners to apply. Any job surplus opening from each state or region would be send to the border state agencies for application by foreigners.

Employment agency income

Any employer who has their position filled would pay a fee to the employment agency. Likewise, any employee who obtains a job through the agency would also pay a fee. U.S. citizens that fill a job position would pay a fee at a reduced rate.

Foreigner employment registration

All foreigners applying for a job at the employment agency would be given a security check along with a blood test. If these tests showed any criminal or drug history then the foreign employee would be denied further application. Any illegal not passing the test would be deported. On passing the tests, the foreign employee would be given a temporary work permit green to apply for the job available within the United States. On the acceptance by the employer and hired, the employment card would be activated for one year. The employment card could be renewed annually with a fee for up to three years.


There would be no penalties to an illegal or deportation provided that they had a work permit and assigned job. Any employer hiring an illegal immigrant would be fined a sizable amount. Any landlord renting to an illegal immigrant would also be fined. Multiple offenses by employers and landlords would have the fine doubled or be prosecuted.


There would be no amnesty provision available. Foreigners would have to go through the same U.S. application process as it currently exists. However, any applicant must be able to understand and speak English at a competency of a (to be determined) grade level.


Any illegal immigrant without a job assigned work permit would be deported back to their country of origin. There would be no mandatory deportation as long as they had a work permit.

Employee wages

Employers must pay the government minimum wage or more and deduct all federal and state taxes, FICA and other normal deductions to including a fee for major medical.

Health insurance

Any employee hired through the employment agency must carry a major medical policy to be paid by the employer and employee equally or from the application fee.

State driver’s license

If a foreigner has a work permit then they should be able to obtain a driver’s license for the period of time that the work permit is active.

The employment agency concept will provide for a private sector ownership if the fee’s are adequate. For example the fee totaling $1,000, between the employer and employee is multiplied by the number of jobs filled at 4,000,000 then the potential income is $3,000,000,000. This amount of potential income should entice the private sector to want to implement this program. There would be sufficient funds to pay the expenses for each state office and maybe provide funds toward the Health Insurance program.

The unions should favor this program because a U.S. citizen will have first right of refusal on each job available, plus have a reduced job application fee.

The registration process would determine the supply and demand for the number of jobs and the number of employees available to fill them. This process would give the federal government better control and location of the illegal immigrants.

If employers and landlords are penalized sufficiently on hiring an illegal immigrant then it will automatically control illegal border crossing because if they can’t find a job or rent a place to sleep or drive a car, then why come to the United States. This system could be a partial substitute for a border fence.

It makes better sense to have a foreigner with a work permit to apply for a driver’s license and meet the driving requirements in the respective state. This would help in the safety of all Americans.

The program provides less cost to the United States, private sector profitable operation, accurate control of foreigners employment, elimination of a costly border fence at $6 billion, ridged penalties of violators, employers and landlords, control of undesirable illegal immigrants to the United States and safety of U.S. citizens and foreigners.