Crossing the street safer at Crestwood Elementary

Crossing the street at Crestwood Elementary is much safer thanks to a partnership between the school, the city of Covington and the Kent School District.

Principal Linda Butts is happy that the new crosswalk at 180th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 246th Street has been added after the city was approached about the project.

“The parents expressed a concern to both the Covington City Council as well as the (district) about the safety of students walking along 180th,” Butts said in an e-mail. “Since there is limited space on the shoulders, they were concerned that someone could come down over the speed limit endangering the safety of our walkers.”

Anywhere from 50 to 70 students walk along the shoulder daily to get to school according to information provided by the city.

The crosswalk installation included putting in school speed zone signs as well as the addition of a street light to improve the illumination of the crosswalk area, according to a release provided by Covington staff. The installation was complete in December.

A pair of work sessions were held at Crestwood, Butts said, with representatives from the transportation and business office of the school district, the city and Covington Police Department.

“Different options were discussed along with budget and personnel costs of the different options,” Butts said. “In the end, the crosswalk was put in. (The district) gave additional time to a classified staff member to so that person could walk all the way down to the crosswalk to man it.”

Kent Schools put in money to help pay for the crosswalk as well as approved a classified staff member to walk over and man the crosswalk.

Butts said the effort was a great example of the power of partnerships.

“The homeowner’s association put in money to help pay for the crosswalk, too,” she said. “It was a fabulous example of parents, the community, and the school district working together to help keep our students safe.”