Maple Valley Library Guild book sale a success because of community support

The Maple Valley Library Guild just completed its spring book sale. The success of guild book sales is directly attributable to the support of our community. Thank you to all of you who donated all of the wonderful books and other media and to all who provided new homes for the donated materials. We know you appreciate that all the monies raised from our sales go directly back to the Maple Valley Library.

In 2008, funds raised by the Guild provided such diverse programming as:

• for children: flannel board workshop, a Blizzard of Tales and Tunes, books and movie tickets, puppet shows, summer reading program activities, flea circus and magic show, Bee Boppin’ Bugs concert, Meet the Beetles, Books for Babies, toys and other learning aids;

• for teens: book groups, teen nights after hours at the library, refreshments, study groups, writing college essays, contest prizes;

• for adults: author visits, declutter workshop, adult reading groups (three, including one for men), book bags for adult winter read, holiday card making, book page (information on current literature), travelers dream, big read;

• for all: poetry contest, Silver Bell Carolers, movie licenses, entry in Maple Valley Days parade;

We are already planning for our next book and media sale in October, and we thank you in advance for your donations to help us make this sale a great success. We also look forward to your attendance at the sale.

Again, thank you to all who supported us, and to the Library Guild members who donated their time to set up and to sell. The Guild would cease to exist without your dedication.

Pat Boogaerts

President, Maple Valley Library Guild