Burglar breaks into house, unlocks every door and window, but takes nothing | Police Blotter

Covington and Maple Valley police blotter from April 27-May 2 Burglar breaks into house, unlocks every door and window, but takes nothing | Police Blotter


May 2

ARGUMENT: 25100 block of 164th Avenue Southeast. During an altercation at the Covington Skate Park one of the parties involved broke his opponent’s cell phone.

May 1

BURGLARY: 22600 block of Southeast 286th Street. Someone entered the victim’s home through an unlocked kitchen window and stole cash out of the victim’s purse.

DRUNKEN BEHAVIOR: 16200 block of Southeast 272nd Street. A man attempted to restrain his wife from getting out of their rolling vehicle. The man said his wife of 15 years is a recovering alcoholic who had just completed treatment. There is no domestic violence history between the couple.

April 28

VANDALISM: 18800 block of Southeast 265th Street. A man heard someone throwing rocks at his house at night. He saw two or three males running away when he got up to check out what was going on. In the morning he noticed windows in the homes of two of his neighbors had been broken out when he checked on his own windows.

April 27

FALSE REPORT: 22200 block of Southeast 272nd Place. After she was suspended from school, a 15 year old girl made up a story about being raped and kidnapped. She later confessed to making up the story and was charged with making a false report.


April 30

FRAUD: 26500 block of 214th Avenue Southeast. Someone cashed stolen checks and made unauthorized withdrawals using the victim’s debit card.

DRUNK DRIVER: Southeast 248th Street and Witte Road. After being stopped for improper lane travel a driver was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol.

April 29

THEFT: 25400 block of 213th Avenue Southeast. Someone stole solar lights from the victim’s front yard. A neighbor said he said the theft occur and the thief drove off in an older model white Ford Mustang. The neighbor could not provide a description of the suspect.

April 28

BREAK-IN: 23700 block of Southeast 253rd Place. After forcing entry into a home by ripping off a screen and prying open a first story window during broad daylight the suspect then unlocked every door and window in the victim’s home. Nothing was taken.

STOLEN AND FOUND: 26600 block of 221st Avenue Southeast. A concrete statute of a boy was stolen from a fountain at a home. The statue was located at a nearby address and returned to the owner.