Show someone you CARE

Not sure what to give a good friend for the holidays this year? Why not give them the gift of good health by offering to be their fitness buddy? Good health is priceless and is one element of living a well-lived life

Not sure what to give a good friend for the holidays this year? Why not give them the gift of good health by offering to be their fitness buddy? Good health is priceless and is one element of living a well-lived life.

This is how you can wrap and deliver your gift of being a fitness buddy. Invite a friend to join you with achieving a fitness goal. Working toward a shared goal is an effective way to stay motivated while exerting extra effort to develop new routines. A shared goal also feeds the human desire for social connections and significance.

Most of us want to experience more joy in life and staying healthy is a significant step toward this goal. Consider demonstrating generosity by sharing your time and providing unconditional support to assist a friend with achieving their fitness goals.

Consider the acronym CARE when thinking about the benefits of being or having an exercise buddy.

C – Company: people bond over shared experiences and achieving shared goals. It’s motivating to know a friend is waiting for you and will push or encourage as needed.

A – Accountability: having or being a buddy builds in accountability. Nobody wants to let their friends down.

R – Results: studies show that people who have a community to support their exercise goals are more likely to achieve them.

E – Enthusiasm: everyone needs a cheerleader. When your buddy’s enthusiasm wanes, you can cheer them on and they can do the same for you.

This year, skip the Starbucks gift card and go with a gift that will bring to joy to both you and your friend.

Consider the gift of being a fitness buddy, achieving a shared goal and providing unconditional support!

You can always buy your friend a latte after a walk, run or workout.

Best wishes for your continued success!

Stephanie Norton-Bredl is the associate executive director at the Auburn Valley YMCA and may be contacted at Bruce deJong is a group exercise instructor at the Auburn Valley YMCA and may be contacted at