
The Phoenix ED Device for Men Reviewed – Safe Shockwave Treatment That Works?

What Is The Phoenix?

The Phoenix is a device created to help men improve their sexual health at home. It uses a “Li-ESWT technology”, which has been shown to effectively address sexual concerns. This technology is clinically proven and now available for home use at a more affordable price than in-clinic treatments.

Feeling like you’re losing your spark? The Phoenix reviews claim it is a safe and effective way to potentially reverse the effects of sexual aging and reignite your intimacy.

Imagine repairing your sexual health and saving money, all from the comfort of your own home. The Phoenix boasts a 94% success rate and promises to enhance your performance and strengthen your relationship.

With over 80,000 men experiencing positive outcomes, The Phoenix stands as a compelling option. But how exactly does it work? And what are the keys to maximizing its effectiveness?

We’ll delve deeper into these questions and explore the science behind The Phoenix in this comprehensive review. But first, let’s dive into a closer look at this groundbreaking device.

Who Are The Makers Of The Phoenix Device?

The Phoenix is the brainchild of Launch Medical, a team of researchers passionate about improving men’s well-being. Founded in 2018, Launch Medical focuses on developing science-backed solutions for at-home healthcare. Led by CEO Dustin Wolff, the company bridges the gap between clinical technology and user-friendly devices.

Launch Medical isn’t just about The Phoenix. They specialize in distributing and renting various medical equipment, making them a trusted name in the healthcare space. Their focus on collaboration with medical professionals ensures their products are grounded in scientific principles.


Men’s Sexual Health Device


The Phoenix by Launch Medical


Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Li-ESWT)


A large number of The Phoenix reviews are positive

Potential Benefits:

Improved blood flow

Enhanced sexual performance

Reversed sexual decline symptoms

Relief from Peyronie’s disease symptoms

Increased confidence and intimacy

Who Can Use The Phoenix?

Men experiencing a decline in sexual performance due to aging or other factors.

Men with conditions like Peyronie’s disease.

Men seeking a non-invasive solution for improved sexual health.

Money-Back Guarantee:

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee


No Side-Effects

What’s Included:

The Phoenix device

Pheather Glide Lubricant (sample)

4% Lidocaine Numbing Cream (sample)

Optional accessories: additional lubricant, numbing cream, medical-grade pump


One-Time Payment: $879 (plus taxes)

Financing options available

Where To Buy From:

Available on the official website

How Does The Phoenix Works?

The Phoenix leverages a powerful technology called Li-ESWT (low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy). This isn’t some brand-new invention, but The Phoenix makes it more accessible than ever before.

Previously, Li-ESWT was only available in clinical settings. The Phoenix makes this same technology accessible from the comfort of your home, at a significantly lower cost. Imagine saving over $34,000 compared to traditional clinic treatments!

So, how does it work? The Phoenix uses low-intensity sound waves to target specific areas. These sound waves trigger a stress response within the tissues, promoting blood flow and stimulating the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining erections by dilating blood vessels.

By gently stimulating these processes, The Phoenix helps your body improve its natural sexual function. It’s a safe and non-invasive approach to enhancing your sexual performance and overall well-being.

What Are The Potential Health Benefits Of The Phoenix?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the potential health benefits of using The Phoenix:

Improved Sexual Health

The Phoenix stands out as a transformative tool designed to elevate your sexual health to new heights. With its cutting-edge technology, it aims to invigorate and rejuvenate, ensuring that both you and your partner notice a remarkable enhancement in your intimate moments.

The Phoenix Can Possibly Reverse The Sexual Decline

As we navigate through life, it’s natural to encounter changes in our sexual well-being. The Phoenix offers a ray of hope, with the potential to reverse the signs of sexual decline.

By harnessing the power of focused shockwaves, it promotes neovascularization and improves blood circulation, leading to a rejuvenation of penile function and an overall boost in sexual responsiveness.

This innovative approach not only enhances physical aspects but also taps into the psychological dimensions of sexual health.

Reduces Symptoms Of Issues Like Peyronie’s Disease

For those grappling with conditions such as Peyronie’s disease, the Phoenix presents a non-invasive solution to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life.

Its low-intensity shockwave therapy has been reported to significantly reduce symptoms, offering relief and a path toward a more satisfying sexual experience. This has been hugely appreciated in the The Phoenix reviews.

The Phoenix Results in Improved Performance

At the heart of the Phoenix’s benefits is its ability to significantly improve performance. Clinical studies and The Phoenix reviews have highlighted its effectiveness in enhancing penile rigidity, extending the duration of reactions, and boosting overall stamina.

This leads to a more fulfilling and satisfying intimate experience, reinforcing the device’s role as a catalyst for renewed confidence and vitality.

How To Use The Phoenix?

The Phoenix comes with a detailed manual and access to a vast video library to help you navigate your treatments effectively. Simply connect your Phoenix to power, and apply a small amount of water-based lubricant to the tip to begin.

The device’s smart guidance system will lead you into treatment mode, where you’ll gently guide the stainless steel tip along your shaft. The treatment involves following specific lines, meticulously crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage from various angles.

As you progress, The Phoenix works its magic, emitting shockwaves that delve non-invasively into the penile tissue. These shockwaves are the core of the Phoenix’s prowess, optimizing sexual health over multiple sessions.

The device has been praised by users and healthcare professionals for its positive impact on overall well-being. It is recommended to undergo two treatments per week for the first month, followed by a 30-day rest period. This cycle can be repeated for a full treatment course. The Phoenix is a safe and effective option for men of all ages who prioritize their penile health.

Who Should Not Use The Phoenix?

While The Phoenix is advertised for general sexual wellness, it’s important to consult your doctor before using it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Here are some specific situations where The Phoenix may not be suitable:

Blood Clotting Disorders: If you have a diagnosed blood clotting disorder or suspect you might have one, discuss this with your doctor before using The Phoenix.

Taking Beta Blockers: These medications can affect erection quality. Speak to your doctor to see if alternative medication is possible. Beta-blockers work by blocking beta receptors, which are crucial for blood flow into the penis during arousal.

Poorly Managed Diabetes: Uncontrolled high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels and organs. Consult your doctor to ensure your diabetes is well-managed before using The Phoenix. The potential benefits of Li-ESWT may be diminished by uncontrolled diabetes.

Poorly Managed High Blood Pressure: Similar to diabetes, poorly controlled high blood pressure can hinder results. Work with your doctor to manage your blood pressure for optimal effects with The Phoenix.

Are There Any Side Effects Of The Phoenix?

The good news is that The Phoenix has been meticulously designed with your safety in mind. It boasts numerous safety features, including a 36-hour lockout period after each treatment. This thoughtful addition ensures that the risk of overtreatment, and consequently any potential harm, is minimized.

For those who might have lingering questions or need further reassurance, the team behind The Phoenix is always within reach. Whether you prefer a quick chat on their website or a more detailed conversation over the phone, expert assistance is available seven days a week during regular business hours.

This level of support ensures that users can embark on their journey towards improved sexual health with confidence and peace of mind.


How Long Does The Phoenix Take To Show Visible Results?

The Phoenix promises results, but how quickly will you see them? Here’s a breakdown:

Short-Term Effects (Within days/weeks)

Increased Blood Flow: Many users report a warming sensation in the treated area. This indicates improved blood circulation, which can happen right away or within the first few sessions. Increased blood flow is vital for tissue repair and overall healing.

Pain Management: Some users seeking pain relief experience improvement within the first few weeks of using The Phoenix.

Long-Term Improvements (6-12 weeks)

For those aiming to enhance sexual function, results may take longer, typically between 6-12 weeks. This time frame allows for the formation of new blood vessels and tissue strengthening. The high number of satisfied users (55,089) and successful treatments suggest The Phoenix has the potential to deliver significant improvement within this window.

What Makes The Phoenix Different From Others?

The Phoenix isn’t your average bedroom accessory. Here’s what sets it apart:

Personalized Approach: Unlike a one-size-fits-all solution, The Phoenix website offers a personalized quiz. Based on your answers, you’ll receive a detailed report exploring potential causes of your concerns and additional tips to optimize your sexual health.

Discreet and Convenient: Let’s face it, sexual health can be a private matter. The Phoenix allows you to address concerns from the comfort and privacy of your own home, without the need for doctor’s appointments or awkward discussions.

Proven and Endorsed: The Phoenix utilizes a non-invasive, clinically proven approach (Li-ESWT) to enhance your sexual function. This technology has received positive recognition from publications like Forbes and Men’s Health, and endorsements from male health experts.

What Accessories Do You Get With The Phoenix?

The Phoenix arrives ready for action, packed with everything you need for a smooth start. Here’s what’s inside:

The Phoenix Device: The workhorse itself, designed to deliver powerful yet comfortable treatments.

Pheather Glide Lubricant (Sample): A water-based lubricant for optimal comfort during treatment.

4% Lidocaine Numbing Cream (Sample): This can help minimize any initial sensitivity, especially as you get used to the Phoenix.

Need More Glide or Numbing Cream? No problem! You can stock up on both Pheather Glide and Lidocaine cream directly through The Phoenix website’s accessory page.

Bonus Tip from Dr. Thompson (Optional): While not included, Dr. Thompson recommends using a medical-grade pump alongside The Phoenix. Using a pump twice daily during treatment weeks helps draw oxygen-rich blood to the private area, potentially accelerating and enhancing results. The good news? Many men already own a pump, so if you have one at home, feel free to incorporate it into your routine.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Phoenix?

We’ve combed through The Phoenix reviews to give you a balanced perspective on this sexual health device:


Affordability: Compared to ongoing clinical treatments, The Phoenix claims to be a cost-effective option.

Financing Options: Spread the cost out with financing plans that may offer zero interest.

Multi-Benefit Approach: The Phoenix aims to improve overall sexual performance, not just address a single concern.

Wide Audience: The Phoenix is marketed for use by most adult men.

Doctor Endorsements: The Phoenix claims to be backed by medical professionals.

Minimal Side Effects: Generally considered safe with minimal side effects.

Easy to Use: The Phoenix is designed for convenient at-home use.

Non-Invasive: No needles or surgery involved.

Comprehensive Kit: Everything you need to get started is included.

Doctor’s Approval Not Required: No prescription is needed for purchase or use.

Free Shipping: An added perk to consider.

Educational Resources: Online videos explain how The Phoenix works.


Limited Availability: The Phoenix can only be purchased through their official website.

Individual Results: The Phoenix may not work for everyone.

FDA Approval: As of now, The Phoenix treatment lacks FDA approval.

Noise Level: The device can be quite loud (up to 88 decibels).

How Loud Noise Does The Phoenix Make?

The Phoenix, known for its clinical-strength shockwaves, does indeed make its presence heard. While the robust soundwaves are a hallmark of its effectiveness, they produce a noise level of about 88 dB. In a clinical setting, this might blend into the background, but at home, it’s a different story.

For those seeking discretion or aiming to maintain a quiet environment, planning becomes key.

Whether it’s finding the right time of day or ensuring privacy, a little foresight can make integrating The Phoenix into your routine smooth and unobtrusive. After all, enhancing your wellness should harmonize with your lifestyle, not disrupt it.

Are Bruises A Normal Occurrence With The Phoenix Usage?

The Phoenix emphasizes a comfortable user experience. While mild bruising is a possibility, it shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. Here’s what to know:

Possible Bruising: Some men experience mild bruising in the treated area. This can be caused by applying too much pressure during treatment or individual sensitivity.

Pain-Free Treatments: The process shouldn’t be painful. If you experience discomfort, reduce pressure or stop the treatment altogether.

Finding Your Comfort Level: Everyone has different sensitivities. It might take some time to find the right pressure for you.

Numbing Cream Included: The Phoenix comes with a sample of numbing cream to help ease any discomfort, especially when you’re new to using the device.

What If The Phoenix Does Not Work For You?

The Phoenix offers a 90-day money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with the results. This means you can try it out risk-free, and if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can return it for a refund.

However, there’s a catch: the guarantee only applies to the device itself, not self-inflicted damage. So, if you accidentally drop, crush, or soak your Phoenix, it won’t be eligible for return or replacement, even within the 90-day window.

For extra peace of mind, The Phoenix offers an optional ProGuard warranty. This covers one incident of physical damage, theft, or loss. If you’re clumsy or worried about unexpected mishaps, ProGuard might be worth considering. You can find more details about ProGuard here.

What Is The Pricing Structure Of The Phoenix?

Traditionally, clinical shockwave therapy can be a significant financial burden. The Phoenix positions itself as a more affordable option for holistic male health solutions.

Here’s a breakdown of the pricing structure:

One-Time Payment: This is the most straightforward option, with a price tag of $879 (plus applicable taxes). While this may seem like a high initial cost, it’s important to consider the potential savings compared to ongoing in-clinic treatments.

Financing: The Phoenix offers financing through Affirm, allowing you to spread the cost out over monthly installments of around $43 (the exact amount may vary based on the chosen plan).

Wrapping Up!

With age comes natural changes, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for them! While our busy lives often neglect sexual health, innovations like The Phoenix are here to help. Clinical shockwave therapy can be expensive, but The Phoenix offers a cost-effective solution.

This at-home option provides men with the opportunity to improve their sexual health independently. The potential benefits of increased blood flow, enhanced performance, and a more satisfying sex life are appealing.

With several positive The Phoenix reviews, its ease of use, non-invasive approach, and financing options, The Phoenix makes this cutting-edge technology more accessible.