Everyone wins at Maple Valley Days throwdown | Slide Show

Among the carnival rides, elephant ears and corn dogs, booths for organizations, vendors and businesses on Saturday afternoon at Maple Valley Days, a throw down was under way. Ginger "Mama" Passarelli, founder of the Soup Ladies and owner of Mama's Steak and Pasta in Black Diamond, challenged Cedar Grill owner Cindy Gregory to a chicken soup throwdown

Among the carnival rides, elephant ears and corn dogs, booths for organizations, vendors and businesses on Saturday afternoon at Maple Valley Days, a throw down was under way.

Ginger “Mama” Passarelli, founder of the Soup Ladies and owner of Mama’s Steak and Pasta in Black Diamond, challenged Cedar Grill owner Cindy Gregory to a chicken soup throwdown.

“I got to pick chicken, seafood or beef,” Gregory said. “I picked a soup they can get at the restaurant. The loser is going to donate money.”

Gregory added that she chose chicken in part because so many people have allergies to seafood.

The deal was that if Gregory lost she would donate to the Soup Ladies and if Passarelli lost then she would contribute to a weekly fundraiser for Relay for Life held each Monday at Cedar Grill.

Johann Baumgart and Richard Qualls served up the soup. Each person got a cup of each soup in a blind taste test then voted, either for the purple cup or the blue, placing a ticket into a blue or purple box.

After an hour of tasting and voting the verdict was in and both ladies went on stage as Baumgart prepared to announce the winner.

Gregory threw her arms in the air when it was announced her soup had won the throw down. She now has the honor of hanging a pair of rubber chickens in her restaurant.

Passarelli took the loss well, joking after the results were announced, “I feel like Bobby Flay!”