Support local business in a different way | Letter

Jonathan Miller of Covington shares his view of how people can support local businesses

These days, I have a greater appreciation for a simple question.

“Did you find everything you need today?”

I sometimes hear this when I’m shopping and about to pay for my items.

Most of the time I say yes. Sometimes I say no and explain that an item is out of stock or that another employee told me the item isn’t carried at their store.

Previously, I barely thought much of this brief exchange. Then I learned of the problem that some small towns have with earning enough sales tax revenue to preserve government services.

Now, my wife and I are more likely to take advantage of this opportunity to share a helpful answer and boost local business. When customers answer this question, and retailers take the answer seriously and find an economical way to provide additional goods and services in demand, it has a positive ripple effect. It increases the likelihood that …

– Residents won’t have to spend as much time and money on transportation outside of the city to acquire needed goods and services.

– Local businesses will increase their income.

– Local government will find it easier to finance public services and amenities without having to resort to unsustainable short-term fixes.

We need to find ways to improve communication between consumers and local businesses. Consumers can do their part by responding when asked this question at the checkout stand. Local business owners can help by being more proactive in responding to unmet needs. For example, they can arrange for checkout clerks to give customers who answer “no” a postcard survey, and then follow up.

We can all do our part.

Jonathan Miller