Consider changes to Economic Development Commission | Letter

Many questions abound regarding the effectiveness of the current Economic Development Commission. If we are expecting results from this semi-active group, some changes should be considered to tighten up the organization and activate the process of marketing Maple Valley to potential businesses

Many questions abound regarding the effectiveness of the current Economic Development Commission. If we are expecting results from this semi-active group, some changes should be considered to tighten up the organization and activate the process of marketing Maple Valley to potential businesses.

This article will hopefully initiate thought and ideas to face the future challenges. The original EDC Document from 2007 is very detailed and needs only to be updated. (

The following suggestions are up for consideration:

The main body of the Commission will be made up of six delegates selected by the City City Council; six delegates selected by Maple Valley Chamber of Commerce; City Manager, Secretary, and a delegate from Planning Commission.

Duties & Tasks

1.The above group shall have regular monthly meetings, with a specific agenda, minutes of all meetings, Public Comments, and Public Hearings. The subcommittees will meet at the discretion of the main Commission

2. Elect a Chairman and co-chair from the Membership who will chair meetings, meet with City Staff and Council delegate to set agenda.

3. Select a member to accompany the City Manager to attend regional EDC meetings.

4. Update the 2007 EDC Document.

5. Report to Council on a quarterly schedule.

6. Utilities subcommittee is to be made up of interested utility partners to meet with Commission on a quarterly schedule.

7. Form a subcommittee to contact existing businesses to help them expand existing businesses and get their ideas regarding new businesses that would support their business or use their products. Two members selected by City Council and two from the Chamber of Commerce.

8. Form a subcommittee to select the type of development that is viable and desirable for the City and determine how best to promote these opportunities

9. Form a subcommittee to contact and work with potential developers. Assign a member and alternate to work as coordinator between potential developers and City Staff throughout the project. This person would also report to the EDC on potential challenges the project might face and possible mitigation of same.

10. Form a subcommittee of interested delegates from the greater area who are involved in Economic Development to meet with the commission quarterly.

Larry Lindstrand
Maple Valley