City needs a candidate who is truthful, understands issues | Letter to the editor

Black Diamond mayoral candidate Dave Gordon appears to be a mass of contradictions.

Black Diamond mayoral candidate Dave Gordon appears to be a mass of contradictions. He doesn’t seem to have an understanding of the issues — this may be because I have only seen him at one council meeting.

He says that he will control large land developments, but acknowledges that vested projects will inevitably be built. Gordon says that that he opposes higher taxes and fees that subsidize land developers, but is aware that Black Diamond residents pay no taxes and fees to support current and future developments. He says he wants to support existing businesses, but he also recognizes that growth provides these small businesses a broader customer base that will help them survive.

In addition, Gordon opposes plans that would increase public safety, improve our roads and update our infrastructure before more new homes are built. I cannot understand why he would not want the current residents to benefit from the developments — particularly when he himself admits that these homes will be built regardless of who is elected mayor. Would Gordon prefer to put our community’s safety and welfare on the line to oppose a plan that even he admits he cannot change?

The city and its constituents deserve a candidate who is truthful and understands the issues. You, Mr. Gordon, do not appear to be that.


Mario Sorci

Black Diamond