Covington residents invited to speak about parks | Letter

If you live in or near Covington and think the city does not have enough parks, playgrounds, trails, or fun things to do, I can offer you a golden opportunity to help change that

If you live in or near Covington and think the city does not have enough parks, playgrounds, trails, or fun things to do, I can offer you a golden opportunity to help change that. Covington is putting together a group of residents to give advice to the city council specifically about the parks and recreation options here in Covington.

Covington is a new, fast-growing city full of young families. Demand for parks, trails, and recreation classes has increased faster than city funding can keep up. It’s a constant challenge to balance the demand with the city’s limited resources. Therefore the city council needs to hear directly from the people who live here: within parks and recreation, what is important to you?

Consider: Do you want more youth sports or recreation classes? Does the city need more sports fields? What about creating or improving playgrounds? How about a splash park? Should Covington consider building a recreation center? And the big question: how do we pay for these things? It can take years to acquire funds, buy land, and build structures. If you want new parks or facilities for yourself or your children, we should get started right away.

If you have ever walked on a trail, swam in a pool, or visited a park, you are qualified to join this advisory group! Please don’t think you need any special knowledge or city connection. If you live in or around Covington and are willing to give a little bit of time to talking about parks, recreation classes, or trails, you are exactly what we are looking for.

If this sounds even a bit interesting to you, go to Covington’s website ( and click on the blue “Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee” rectangle. All the information and an application link are there. The committee should be formed by the end of June, so we hope to get an application from you soon! Thanks for helping Covington “grow towards greatness.”

Laura Morrissey
Parks & Recreation Commission Chair