Maple Valley Parks and Recreation programs for adults and youths

Maple Valley Parks & Recreation is offering the following programs for adults and youth. Call 425-432-9953 for information. To keep up with our current offerings sign up at to receive the latest quarterly recreation guide.

Maple Valley Parks & Recreation is offering the following programs for adults and youth. Call 425-432-9953 for information. To keep up with our current offerings sign up at to receive the latest quarterly recreation guide.

• New adult coed basketball League for ages 18 and up

This is a five-on-five recreational basketball league complete with referees, regular season, playoffs and awards. Friday night league games at Cedar River Middle School begin March 12. Team fee are $475. Registration deadline is February 26; late registrations will be assessed a $35 late fee.

Special league rules will govern play. Join the players’ pool to be added to a team or to form additional teams. Team application and other important information can be found at

• Men’s slow-break basketball league, ages 18 and up

This five-on-five basketball league emphasizes the half-court offense with the slow breaks special rule. Friday night league games at Tahoma Junior High begin March 12. Fee is $475; registration is open with a deadline of February 26 or when full with eight teams. A $35 late fee if space permits.

• Open gyms, ages 18 and up

Two Maple Valley area gyms will be available on four select dates for open gym from 6–9 p.m. Players pay $3 at the door. The dates are Jan. 29, Feb. 12, Feb. 26 and March 5.

• Men – Fridays at Tahoma Junior High

• Coed – Fridays at Cedar River Middle School

• Men and women prepping for the upcoming coed basketball league. This will be the place to find teammates and form teams.

• Adult coed kickball league, ages 18 and up

This 10-a-side league, with a minimum five females on the field, is complete with umpires, regular season, playoffs and awards. Sunday league games from April to June. The fee is $375; teams receive one kickball when registered. Registration begins Feb. 1 and the deadline is March 22. Late registrations is $35.

• Early Childhood Music for ages 1-5

Classes are Thursdays 3-3:30 p.m. through March 18 at the Lake Wilderness Lodge.

Parks & Recreation and Musically Minded offers a music class designed for 1-5 year olds and their parents. Hawaiian songs, stories, instruments and dance will be featured as children learn about music and the special people who make it. Songs, games, chants and other musical skills will be addressed as children explore music. the fee is $119 for 10 sessions; register additional siblings for only $79 each. For class details please call Jocelyn at 425-432-3454. Please call our new direct phone line today to register at 425-432-9953

• Youth coed T-ball for ages 3/4 and 5/6

A 5-6 year old division will be offered in 2010.

The league runs form April to June.

This instructional T-Ball League includes teams, practices and games. One practice a week with one game on Saturday morning or afternoon. The fee is $54, T-shirt and hat included. Late registrations will be assessed a $10 late fee through March 15. Coaches’ meeting is 6 p.m. March 15. In person registration at Lake Wilderness Lodge required and the deadline is March 5.

This program depends on volunteer coaches and team sponsorships, $150.