The Reporter’s switch to a one-a-week print publication is part of our increased emphasis on our online edition. We aren’t kidding with our recent announcement that, while newspapers in general are sweating over the declining readership of their newsprint products, we’re embracing the Web by devoting more of our focus and resources to digital journalism.
On that note, reader Dan DeGidio e-mailed a question: “So I read how the paper is going to a weekly paper with more focus on the online service. So will the online edition change from its current format? “
There are indeed some new features online that will be available soon or are being developed.
One that will make its debut any day now is reader comments. If you have some thoughts you want to share on a story, you can do so with the immediacy and relative ease of the digital channels.The plan is to allow comments via text and video.
Another example of what our online readers can eventually tap into is archives of the Reporter, the result of Google unveiling a new project aimed at bringing historical newspaper content to the Web. Sound Publishing, the Reporter’s parent company, is participating in the project that will allow users to view digitally scanned versions of newspapers.
These new features, plus others we’ll be rolling out soon, will complement the breaking news and updates that are a staple of our online edition, which also includes virtually all the content from our print editions. Whether you’re looking for a story you just heard about, or one you read weeks ago and want to refresh your memory of, we’ll have it.
Some of our tried-and-true print features aren’t going anywhere, by the way. If anything, they’re getting a boost. Take our Calendar feature, for instance. Brenda Fong sent an item recently about the Puget Sound Mycological Society’s 45th annual Wild Mushroom Show, and she asked if it would appear only online. The answer is that it will be online and in print. And if any other items sometimes don’t show up in print editions because of space limitations, they’ll be in the online version.
One way or the other (or both), we’ll have you covered.
Editor and publisher Pat Jenkins can be reached at (425) 432-1209 (extension 1050) and