Teacher supports Tami Henkel for Tahoma School Board

After having the opportunity to work with Tami for the last three years as a teacher and coach in Tahoma, I’ve developed a better understanding of the work she accomplishes for our learning community and athletic programs. I was initially intimidated to work with a school board member for my program, but felt eased by Tami’s respectful demeanor, professionalism and ability to employ a diverse point of view.

After having the opportunity to work with Tami for the last three years as a teacher and coach in Tahoma, I’ve developed a better understanding of the work she accomplishes for our learning community and athletic programs. I was initially intimidated to work with a school board member for my program, but felt eased by Tami’s respectful demeanor, professionalism and ability to employ a diverse point of view.

She cares about the programs and services that interact with students on a daily basis and works diligently to assist in the success of those programs. Tami Henkel is dedicated to serving teaching and learning for all kids K-12 in the Tahoma School District and the greater Maple Valley Community. And I could not ask for a finer person to support me as a teacher and coach who works with kids daily.

Tom Milligan

Tahoma High School