Students 14-16 eligible for Senate page program

Every year the Washington State Senate offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend one week as a Senate page.

Every year the Washington State Senate offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend one week as a Senate page.

Through the program students ages 14 through 16 can serve and get a front-row seat to how state government works.

“Learning about Washington’s legislative process and our state’s history is an essential part of educating all students,” said Sen. Joe Fain. “Everyone who completes this program returns home with a newfound understanding of state government and the importance of policy-making at every level.”

To learn more visit Senator Fain’s website at and click on “Senate Page Program.” There you can find an application, explanation of the program and a short video about the experience. Pages must be sponsored by a legislator.

“I would be delighted to help local students access this exciting and competitive opportunity,” continued Fain.

If you know someone who is interested in applying to serve as a page during the 2014 legislative session, please contact Sen. Fain’s office for more information by calling 888-786-0598 or emailing