Sprucing up the city and park | Maple Valley

Community groups in Maple Valley will be sprucing up Lake Wilderness Park and picking up litter from 9 a.m. to noon, April 11, in preparation for the 12th annual Hooked On Fishing Derby scheduled for April 25

Community groups in Maple Valley will be sprucing up Lake Wilderness Park and picking up litter from 9 a.m. to noon, April 11, in preparation for the 12th annual Hooked On Fishing Derby scheduled for April 25.

Local adopt-a-road groups will also be scheduling their annual spring litter pick ups in April.

The Maple Valley City Council is encouraging homeowner associations and residents to join in and help beautify Maple Valley by picking up litter in their neighborhoods and community parks.

Recology CleanScapes, Maple Valley’s new solid waste service provider, will be out April 11 picking up litter. Recology has provided litter bags for participating neighborhood litter pick up efforts.

Litter bags can be picked up at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, April 1-10 at City Hall.

The bags are only for community litter; no personal litter and no organics please.

The HOA representative can call the city at 425-413-8800 and report the location where filled  litter bags have been staged for pick up (by light pole or community park or address) the following week.

Letters are going out to neighborhood HOA’s whose contact information is known, however, now is a the time for HOA’s to provide updated contact information to the city.

Email Becky Munson, becky.munson@maplevalleywa.gov, to update your HOA information.