Secretary of State’s Charities Program launches online registration feature

Secretary of State's Charities Program launches online registration feature

The Office of the Secretary of State’s Charities Program has launched an online registration for certain organizations.

Organizations fundraising in Washington state that are exempt from the registration requirements now have the option to register online. There is no filing fee associated with the “Optional Registration” unless the filer wants to expedite the filing to receive priority handling.

Qualifying organizations exempt from the registration requirements may find the optional registration beneficial, especially when seeking grants or other special funding.

“This is quick, easy and a free feature that we believe many organizations will like and benefit from its use,” Rebecca Sherrell said, charities program manager for the Office of Secretary of State. “We encourage all qualifying organizations to give it a try.”

Organizations fundraising from the public may use the “Optional Registration” if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • Any entity that is totally volunteer run and raises less than $25,000 a year from the public;
  • Fundraising activities are on behalf of a specific individual if all of the proceeds are for the direct benefit of that individual;
  • Churches and their Integrated Auxiliaries; and
  • Political organizations.
  • The online feature is accessible on the Charities Web page. .

    For more information about the online filing option or the Charities Program, contact the Charities Program at 360-725-0378 or by email at