Saluting good Scouts: Current and new

James Lumia of Boy Scouts Troop 594 has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

New Eagle Scout gets his ‘wings’

James Lumia of Boy Scouts Troop 594 has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

The son of Lora and Michael Lumia is the first in his family to achieve the honor, which is the highest in Boy Scouts. He’ll celebrate it with his Court of Honor on Monday at Cedar Grange.

Lumia has been active in Scouting since kindergarten, starting in Pack 747 as a Tiger Cub. In Troop 594, he has held several leadership positions, including assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, senior patrol leader and chaplain’s aide, and he has accumulated 60 nights of camping, 96 hiked miles and 107 service hours.

For his Eagle Scout service project, he chose to build a nature trail for Glacier Park Elementary School. The trail will allow students to see wildlife and indigenous plants in a hands-on learning experience.

He thanked Scoutmasters Ronald Barchi and Michael McNamee and all those who have gifted him and other youth with their guidance, time and volunteerism.

Lumia is a junior at Tahoma High school. He plans on pursuing a career in the field of medicine and wants to attend college abroad.