Polling places confirmed

As one of the final preparations for next the primary election next week, King County election officials are notifying about 17,000 voters that their polling places have changed.

According to the officials, since 2004, 141 poll sites have been consolidated or closed because the locations weren’t accessible to people with disabilities or weren’t used enough. And since the Washington presidential primary last February, 20 sites were relocated or eliminated because the buildings were torn down.

The changes affect 17,221 voters countywide. They will receive a new voter registration card in the mail with the name of their new assigned poll site, election officials said. They can also expect a telephone call from the election department before election day to remind them of the change, and they can confirm the location of their polling place before the primary Aug. 19 by contacting the county elections department at (206) 296-VOTE or www.kingcounty.gov/elections.

“We want to make sure poll voters know where to vote on Aug. 19,” said Sherril Huff, elections director.