One way for teenagers to learn about democracy is to work as a page in the Legislature in Olympia, as several from the Maple Valley, Covington and Black Diamond area did during the 2008 legislative session that ended in March. Pages, who deliver documents and participate in flag ceremonies while seeing state government in action, must be 14 to 16 years old, continue their school studies during the week they spend in Olympia, and be sponsored by a legislator. Information on becoming a page is available at and
Hazardous items from household items can be disposed safely when King County’s Wastemobile visits Covington for three days beginning this Friday.
Tahoma High School will host a flea market and other activities this Saturday as a fund-raiser for student groups.
Public tour of the Alpacas at Morning Star Ranch in Ravensdale are scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday.
Valley Medical Center will open eight new operating rooms this summer, the second phase of the hospital’s new surgery center.
Calendar submissions: Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday. Submit calendar items to
Members of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church will collect supplies for military personnel overseas May 3 in Maple Valley.
Women at the Glitzy Gals Spa Night on April 14 got the full princess treatment — back massages, haircuts, foot soaks and makeovers. And chocolate. Don’t forget the chocolate.
The Tahoma Robotics Club competed in world championships in Atlanta, Ga. April 17-19. The competition is called F.I.R.S.T. (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), and was started by Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway. The competition supports students and their desire for more exploration and experience in the areas of science, technology, robotics, fabrication, design, programming, public relations, and more.
Wells an Advanced Placement Scholar
The absence of Debbie Stone at Carriage Crest Elementary School will likely be felt next year.
Mark Hargrove, a Republican candidate in this fall’s election for state representative in the 47th Legislative District, will host a campaign kickoff event today from 3 to 5 p.m. at Meridian Grange.
Phyllis Huster, a Democrat, has announced her candidacy in this fall’s election for state senator of the 5th Legislative District.
Issaquah-Hobart Road to be studied
Covington is looking to fill a pair of significant positions at City Hall before the end of this summer.
A new member of the elected board that oversees Valley Medical Center faces an uncertain future on the board with a change of meeting times on Monday evenings.
The subject of shelter animal care is an emotional issue, and one that until just recently divided us in county government.
Brock Haskins loved to steal cars and had a special taste for Ford pickup trucks. He would spray down the interiors with WD-40 to eliminate any finger prints, then steal the lights, the seats or whatever he could lay his hands on.
Biggest fish will take the prize, unless an angler gets impatient or their catch isn’t among the 100 largest at the annual Maple Valley Fishing Derby this Friday and Saturday at Lake Wilderness.