Open house for residents of unincorporated areas around Maple Valley with King County council members today at Hobart Community Church

Residents of unincorporated King County in the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area CSA can meet with County officials and their Community Service Area (CSA) program representatives during an open house today featuring Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett and County Councilmember Reagan Dunn.

Residents of unincorporated King County in the Greater Maple Valley/Cedar River Area CSA can meet with County officials and their Community Service Area (CSA) program representatives during an open house today featuring Deputy County Executive Fred Jarrett and County Councilmember Reagan Dunn.

It will be held 7-9 p.m. at the Hobart Community Church, 27524 SE 200th St., Maple Valley

Sponsored by the King County CSA program, the open house is anb opportunity to learn more about King County’s draft work plan for their specific community.

At the open houses, residents can learn more about the draft CSA work plan for their area, discuss community priorities, speak with program staff and obtain information about County programs and services.

The open houses are the public’s chance to offer feedback on the CSA program in general and the proposed work plans for 2013.

For more information please contact Alan Painter, CSA program manager, at 206-296-8734 or

Visit the CSA website for a description and map of the CSAs at