Maple Valley resident recognized for achievement in math competition at Western Washington University

Jameson Clark from Maple Valley was recognized internationally for his achievement at Western Washington University students in the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications’ (COMAP) international mathematics modeling competition.

Jameson Clark from Maple Valley was recognized internationally for his achievement at Western Washington University students in the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications’ (COMAP) international mathematics modeling competition.

The first team placed among the top 10 teams, the second in the top 10 percent of the contest and the third team in the top 40 percent

Western’s three teams competed in COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling. The contest challenges teams of students to clarify, analyze and propose solutions to open-ended problems.

The contest questions were posted online, so Western’s teams were able to complete their contest from campus over a long weekend in February. The three Western teams participated as part of Western’s Math 412 class.

The third team has Clark, Matt Forbes from Kent, and Sebastian Imlay from Sandpoint, Idaho.

Honorable Mention went to the 1,048 teams that landed in the top 40 percent and Western’s third team was one of them.

For more information please contact Tjalling Ypma, chair and professor for the department of mathematics, at 360-650-3785 or