Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety receives free pet oxygen mask

At a recent residential fire in Maple Valley, a family pet inhaled smoke and needed oxygen. The only means the Firefighters had to administer the oxygen was with a human oxygen mask, which was tricky and cumbersome to use. The animal was able to receive adequate oxygen after several minutes of holding the mask to its face.

At a recent residential fire in Maple Valley, a family pet inhaled smoke and needed oxygen. The only means the Firefighters had to administer the oxygen was with a human oxygen mask, which was tricky and cumbersome to use. The animal was able to receive adequate oxygen after several minutes of holding the mask to its face.

There were two positive outcomes from this event; the animal did survive and Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety was one of 40 selected to receive a free pet oxygen mask kit from Petplan and Wag’N’s 2010 pet fire safety campaign.

The equipment was donated by Petplan Pet Insurance. Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety was also enrolled in the O2 Fur Life Program. The O2 Fur Life Program is a nationwide campaign proving first responders with Pet Oxygen Masks, facilitating their response to emergencies impacting pet health and safety.