Funding available for ‘Make a Difference Day’ projects

Maple Valley will be celebrating its 10th annual, “Make a Difference Day” Saturday, Oct. 23. The event is the most encompassing national day of helping others, a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors.

Maple Valley will be celebrating its 10th annual, “Make a Difference Day” Saturday, Oct. 23.

The event is the most encompassing national day of helping others, a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. All can participate. In 2009, 3 million people cared enough about their communities to volunteer on that day, accomplishing thousands of projects in hundreds of towns across America. Here at home, hundreds of Maple Valley residents volunteered to make a difference in our very own community.

Financial assistance for Maple Valley’s 10th annual event projects and acts of service is currently available. Applications from local area residents, nonprofit and service organizations will be accepted until noon on Monday, Sept. 27.

Dream big and finish the following statements and e-mail your response to:

1.On Make a Difference Day, Oct. 23, this is what we would like to do….

2.We want to do this because….

3.What we want to do will have a long-term community impact because….

4.Please provide a breakdown of any supplies, manpower and financial needs for your project.

To learn more about this event, please contact the Greater Maple Valley Community Center at 425-432-1272. To sign up as a volunteer or to suggest a work project, please contact