Covington Aquatic Center’s ‘swimathon’ participants just keep swimming

King Aquatic Club offers competitive swimming, exercise and social events for kids and young adults 6 to 18 years old. Sometimes they dive into fund-raising for the club, as they did May 2 at Covington Aquatic Center. During the annual, two-hour “swimathon,” participants up to the age of 14 tried to swim a maximum of 200 lengths of the pool to collect on financial pledges made by families, neighbors and businesses. The kids “look forward to it each year,” said Grainne Hed, one of the parents there to count laps and lend encouragement. She also sent in these photos. (More about the club is at

King Aquatic Club offers competitive swimming, exercise and social events for kids and young adults 6 to 18 years old. Sometimes they dive into fund-raising for the club, as they did May 2 at Covington Aquatic Center. During the annual, two-hour “swimathon,” participants up to the age of 14 tried to swim a maximum of 200 lengths of the pool to collect on financial pledges made by families, neighbors and businesses. The kids “look forward to it each year,” said Grainne Hed, one of the parents there to count laps and lend encouragement. She also sent in these photos. (More about the club is at