Community forum’s focus on teens and safe driving

A community forum in Covington on Oct. 14 will focus on teen driver safety and tips for parents for reducing their teenagers’ risk of being in a car accident.

A community forum in Covington on Oct. 14 will focus on teen driver safety and tips for parents for reducing their teenagers’ risk of being in a car accident.

The forum will begin at 7 p.m. at Covington City Hall.

The event is being organized by SWERVE Driver Training, a driving school that founded Drive Nice Day.

One of SWERVE’s driving instructors, Jake Breece, a Covington resident and former school bus driver for the Tahoma School District, will start conducting driver training Oct. 20 at City Hall.

According to SWERVE, studies indicate that parents are often far too liberal when it comes to teenagers and driving.

Placing temporary restrictions on new teenage drivers, such as not driving at night or with friends in the car, significantly reduces their risk of collision, a SWERVE spokeswoman said.

The spokeswoman also noted that good parental role-modeling, such as observing Washington’s ban on talking on handheld cell phones while driving, is equally important.

According to SWERVE, 6,000 teens die in motor vehicle crashes every year.

City Hall is located at 16720 SE. 271st St.