Kentlake High class of 2010 commencement ceremony | Slide Show

Kentlake High seniors participated in commencement Saturday, June 12, at the ShoWare Center.

Kentlake High seniors participated in commencement Saturday, June 12, at the ShoWare Center.

The event began at about 9 a.m. as Diana Pratt, Kentlake High principal, opened the ceremony by telling the graduating class to, “believe in yourself as we believe in you.”

The Kentlake vocal ensemble sang “Wanting Memories.”

Allison Combs and Craig Heffner sang a duet, “For Good.”

Mike Shepard was the staff speaker and told the class of graduates, “Life is not about staying in place. Life is about movement, so move.”

Christine Rushton, one of three senior speakers said, “Do what you love and love what you do.”