Yarrow Bay Master Planned Developments in Black Diamond too big? | Letter

In all the meetings that I have attended regarding the Yarrow Bay Master Planned Developments in Black Diamond there is one thing that all vocal residents on both sides of the issue agree on. They are not against growth in Black Diamond.

In all the meetings that I have attended regarding the Yarrow Bay Master Planned Developments in Black Diamond there is one thing that all vocal residents on both sides of the issue agree on.

They are not against growth in Black Diamond.

The complaint as I understand it is not that people don’t want Black Diamond to grow, but that the plans are so large and far reaching that many residents feel they will be stripped of the opportunity they are used to having of weighing in on each little change that happens to our little town, fully controlling it’s destiny on a year by year basis.I see this in a different light.

The residents of Black Diamond have before them a one of a kind opportunity precisely because of the size and scope of the Yarrow Bay Master Planned Developments, to plan the look and feel of a city 5, 10 15 years down the road and be a model for city development planning all over the North West.

Our city staff has worked diligently in preparation for this, to update all the building codes that will regulate the construction that will take place in Black Diamond.

Some things are not a matter of City Code.

Due to urban growth regulations cities are required to increase population in the city limits to preserve rural lands.

Concerns over traffic and schools at this point are a bit of hyperventilating over the “what ifs”. If Black Diamond, as it grows, develops a problem with traffic or schools or water quality or safety, all these factors are researched by potential home owners and business investors and Black Diamond will simply not grow until what ever problem we encounter is addressed. What I am saying is the speed of growth will be governed by how the public views the quality of life in Black Diamond.

Why wouldn’t you have a Master Plan for as far out as you can make your mind think?

Harvey Senecal

Black Diamond