Time for change in the 47th Legislative District | Letter

On Nov. 2 one of the most critical elections of our history will take place. It is so important for each of us to exercise our right of voting and choosing our leaders. In the 47th District, we can do our part to reverse what one party rule has done to our state – businesses leaving, high taxes and fees and representatives who have not listened to us.

On Nov. 2 one of the most critical elections of our history will take place. It is so important for each of us to exercise our right of voting and choosing our leaders. In the 47th District, we can do our part to reverse what one party rule has done to our state – businesses leaving, high taxes and fees and representatives who have not listened to us.

In addition, Geoff Simpson has been charged and/or involved with domestic abuse incidents, hardly what we want in our representative. I urge the voters in the 47th to send a new team to Olympia on Nov. 2.

Steve Altick,
