Those against master planned developments in Black Diamond have their heads ‘stuck in the sand’ | Letter

Those who move to Black Diamond to forever live in small town tranquility just have their heads stuck in the sand.

Those who move to Black Diamond to forever live in small town tranquility just have their heads stuck in the sand.

As long as population continues to grow, so will the population of Black Diamond. We need a comprehensive plan to ensure we have quality of life in Black Diamond both as we grow and 20 years from now.

All the energy exerted by naysayers to stop growth and planning is unrealistic. The energy should be exerted in monitoring growth as it happens and ensuring that quality of life is a part of the growth process.

This is something we all want.

This is also why I support keeping our form of government. We have a balance of local governmental powers. The Mayor has some control, the Council has some control. It makes it harder for panic and hysteria to rule.

Harvey Senecal,

Black Diamond