Thank you to those who fight to save Black Diamond | Letter

As a Black Diamond resident for only three years, it is clear to me that this little town has a uniqueness about it that is all it’s own.

As a Black Diamond resident for only three years, it is clear to me that this little town has a uniqueness about it that is all it’s own.

We have our history of coal mining, our wonderful little shops and eateries that are operating in buildings that were built at the turn of the century, our beautiful Lake Sawyer and plenty of wooded areas surrounding us that help revive the air and blow the cool breezes.

Our stars shine a little brighter out here and the sunsets are the most magnificent.

What you don’t see but can definitely feel, are the hearts and souls of the countless volunteers that are active in our community.

These are the people who have given an infinite amount of time and energy to protect our rights against the huge developers that want to devour our tranquility, pave paradise and put up a parking lot….the proverbial “Lorax’s”.

I am so grateful for the numerous local citizens and groups that are trying to save Black Diamond.

They make the effort to go the extra mile to enforce and bulldog the city and developers. A huge and heartfelt thank you!

Karen Watling

Black Diamond