Tahoma school bond measure about creating healthy learning environment for children not frills | Letter to the Editor

The 50 or so folks who developed the plan behind the bond issue were focused on maintaining and improving the education of district students.

There was a letter published recently that opposed the Tahoma School Bond issue because of “frills” in the schools.  Since the frills were unlisted it is difficult to respond, but I will give it a try — with a bit of sarcasm.

It could be that replacing the wood shop with the robotics lab would make the list. I carve as a hobby. Robotics would get me a job but then I am retired.

Perhaps they were alluding to the need for classrooms and the loss of computer labs or moving students from very old portables into the school proper.

Maybe they thought football should go because there will not be a new stadium.

It could be those bug-a-boos, art, drama and music. Stretching the creativity of young minds, instilling discipline, and focus for life have been traditional “frills.”

The 50 or so folks who developed the plan behind the bond issue were focused on maintaining and improving the education of district students. Making their environment a learning and safe one will add to that goal. Giving ninth graders access to high school level assets will accelerate their development. Replacing roofs, HVAC systems past their life spans will create safe and healthy areas. Removing portables that are well past their useful life also makes school a more teachable and healthy world.



Jim Long

Maple Valley