Residents value protecting parks | Letter to the editor

Community engagement is needed to ensure that Cedar Creek Park stays protected.

Thank you for highlighting the current events going on at Cedar Creek Park. Lisa Parsons and Middle Green River Coalition have been instrumental in improving and expanding the trail network by bringing King County Parks, Outdoor Academy, WTA and REI together in our backyard.

Hopefully, these efforts will help to protect the open space park from damages caused by improper use.

But, community engagement is needed to ensure that Cedar Creek Park stays protected.

Lisa and MGRC created Friends of Cedar Creek Park to be the voice for this open space and to represent the people’s desire for local outdoor recreation opportunities as well.

To find out more about Friends of Cedar Creek Park and the other projects and events MGRC is working on, visit

And thank you to all the individuals who are helping to make this project a success. Come out at noon May 11 to celebrate.


Courtney Feeney

Black Diamond