Please don’t allow parking in the meadow at Lake Wilderness during fishing derby | Letter

Given the current budget crunch new parking should not be a priority, especially if the parking is only needed a few times a year.

Opening day of fishing season is this month and the Chamber of Commerce creates a wonderful family occasion at Lake Wilderness Park. However, there is not enough parking for this huge event and allowing parking in the meadow next to the boat launch results in a deeply rutted field where it is very difficult to run and it is highly likely to produce ankle sprains.

Given the current budget crunch new parking should not be a priority, especially if the parking is only needed a few times a year.

But it becomes even more important that we establish clear guidelines where parking is allowed and enforce those guidelines. No parking at anytime should be allowed in that meadow next to the boat launch for this event. It is simply too wet and the water table is too high this time of year.

Charles Benedict

Maple Valley