Master planned developments in Black Diamond concerns are reasonable | Letter

I understand Boston, Sorci, Bowie and Hanson, who are past and replaced Black Diamond City Council persons are desperately attempting to continue to propagate a biased oversimplification of the facts so their official decisions while on the BDCC don’t seem so egregious.

I understand Boston, Sorci, Bowie and Hanson, who are past and replaced Black Diamond City Council persons are desperately attempting to continue to propagate a biased oversimplification of the facts so their official decisions while on the BDCC don’t seem so egregious.

These are folks who have a proclivity for seeing the glossy YarrowBay advertisements as truth. They ignore fact when it contains “pesky grit” requiring critical thinking, study and fact checking. Their hope is to dazzle with wishful thinking. As if ignoring facts can ease overwhelming disasters which are not addressed responsibly, and completely mitigated, in any agreement or contract made with Yarrow Bay or any developer. PROUD forgot their awesome responsibility as lawmakers to complete understanding of the real actual worst possible consequences, before making promises to a developer.

These promises will be paid for by the good citizens of BD they were pledged to represent and sworn to protect from poor decisions.

PROUD also has a bias toward “saving” money for YarrowBay on the backs of Black Diamond citizens by not requiring the more extensive and vitally necessary studies, as described by the Hearing Examiner. These studies are required under Black Diamond’s comp plan, with the language “best most current proven science”.

YarrowBay is financially responsible for these studies under our written municipal code. PROUD is wishing to live in an imagined world of best and most promised rosiest outcomes. The pragmatist citizens among us understand that the wished-for will never be the reality; unless every one of the environmental issues is addressed in the most aggressive and comprehensive way down to the real minutia. This must be done to preserve both the natural and the built environment, for both Black Diamond itself and its neighbors, near and downstream in the various systems that will be impacted.

Erika Morgan,

Black Diamond