Many reasons to vote yes on Proposition 1 levy | Letter to the editor

There are so many reasons to support our fire district and the emergency services it provides that it’s difficult to find a reason not to vote yes on Proposition One.

To the Editor:

There are so many reasons to support our fire district and the emergency services it provides that it’s difficult to  find a reason not to vote yes on Proposition One.

I realize there will be some voters who won’t support this three-year levy. They will say this is not the time to raise taxes. But I wonder if they realize what a bargain they get by voting yes.

Consider that the owner of a home valued at $300,000 would pay about $9.50 a month to support this levy. What else could that homeowner purchase for $9.50 a month that has equivalent value? And when you consider that nothing else we purchase is capable of rendering first aid, CPR or saving our homes and businesses from incineration then it truly is the most valuable $9.50 we could spend each month.

Our fire district has lost funding because assessed property values have declined as a result of the recent recession.

The district has trimmed its budget, reduced staffing and cut some of its programs. But it is still providing vital emergency services to our community.

Our fire district has acted responsibly and has continued to provide a high level of professional service despite its budget difficulties. It is time for us to provide them with the support they need to ensure that we continue to live in a community that values quality from our service providers.

As a member of our school system I recognize how difficult it is to achieve a 60 percent yes vote. At the same time, I struggle to see how we can continue to be the place that gained national acclaim as one of the best communities in the nation for families unless we provide financial support to vital services that contribute so much to our quality of life.

Please vote yes in the April 23 election on Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety Proposition One.


Mike Maryanski


Tahoma School District