If a hospital stay is necessary, best to be in MultiCare | Letter

I hate hospitals. My mother died in one. My oldest sister died in one (Valley Medical). I’ve still got a very sore and tender spot over the death of my oldest sister and the way I was treated at the time. I am not someone who will inspire made for TV movies over the way I handle death, pending or otherwise.

I hate hospitals. My mother died in one. My oldest sister died in one (Valley Medical).

I’ve still got a very sore and tender spot over the death of my oldest sister and the way I was treated at the time.

I am not someone who will inspire made for TV movies over the way I handle death, pending or otherwise.

I’m more like, as Groucho Marx would put it, the kind of patient who wouldn’t want to be a patient at a hospital that would hire me to take care of patients.

I forget the name of the movie, but, I remember the scene in which, Wesley Snipes in rehabilitation shows sympathy for a fellow patient who tells him, “I was an SOB before I wound up in this wheelchair. Now, I’m an SOB in a wheelchair.”

I’m more like that kind of patient. “Some bring joy when they enter, others when they leave.” That kind of patient.

And I know it. And, I’m honest and up front about it. And, it’s not likely to change the older I get.

I have spent a good amount of time lately in and out of MultiCare. They know me.

They can attest to the truth of what I’m saying, as can the folks at Auburn Regional.

While I may not be the best patient there is. Maybe there are some worse. Certainly there are better patients than me.

Still, if I have to spend time in a hospital, I would rather it be MultiCare. I know them. They know me. And for as much of a hemorrhoid I’ve been to them, I have a healthy degree of respect and appreciation for what they do and what they do for me, in spite of my “bedside manner.”

For all my warts, I’m a firm believer in giving credit where it’s due. And the employees of MultiCare do the best they can (an understatement) with what they have to work with and the patients who walk through their doors.

And, I’m one of them.

I hate spending time in hospitals. And the older I get, the more likely I am to spend more time in a hospital. If I have to, I’d very much like that hospital to be MultiCare.

Consider this as close as I’m likely to get to a “thank you” for all you do. I’d really rather not we make a habit of it.

But, that’s not entirely up to you (or me) is it?

Mike Moore
