Be Informed – Vote no on Black Diamond Prop. 1 | Letter

Truth is not what the vote yes on Prop 1 group relies upon.

Truth is not what the vote yes on Prop 1 group relies upon.

They have sent out a letter citing salaries for four Black Diamond city staff positions saying that a city manager would institute reforms and slash or eliminate these salaries.

Well, guess what – these positions are paid for by a grant from YarrowBay.

These salaries do not affect the city’s budget. The funding agreement with YarrowBay allows the city to function normally without having to pay for these positions and YarrowBay, by the terms on the agreement, has no control over the activities of these employees.

But the vote yes on Prop 1 (group) believes they can fool enough people with their misinformation that we will vote to change our form of government.These city employees serve you and are able to work with non-YarrowBay clients. The city benefits from not having to pay for them.

For example, if a Black Diamond citizen needs a building permit this staff will work with the applicant to get the permits issued.

Without them being a part of the city staff, permits would be delayed or perhaps depend upon King County processing. We get the benefit but at no cost.

This is typical misinformation the yes group relies on. Give them a surprise. Get the truth. Be informed.

Vote no on Prop. 1.

Bill Boston

Black Diamond