
Best Appetite Suppressant For Women: Top 5 Natural Pills to Control Hunger Cravings

When it comes to losing weight, women often struggle more than men, as the female body is far more prone to store fat than that of their male counterparts. This can cause their weight loss journey to take far longer than necessary if they do not get every aspect of their healthy diet and exercise plan right.

Another big issue for many women appears to be appetite control, as their hormones can cause food cravings that are a lot harder to resist. That is why, to promote weight loss, many women will seek outside assistance, with the use of prescription weight loss drugs on the rise among females.

There is a better way, though, as non-prescription appetite suppressants work as well as prescription medications while being far safer to use. The reasons many women don’t use them, though, are either because they do not know which one to use or because some OTC appetite suppressants cost more.

Luckily, many natural appetite suppressants are safer, cheaper, and more effective than prescription medications. You need to know where to look. We made this guide to the best appetite suppressant supplements to help women gain appetite control and support weight loss.

The 5 Best Natural Appetite Suppressant Supplements For Women

  • Hourglass Fit
  • Instant Knockout Cut
  • Hunter Burn
  • TrimTone
  • Leanbean

Hourglass Fit


Hourglass Fit has the best appetite suppressant formula on the market and is the best weight loss supplement for women. This is because it has been specifically designed to help women reduce food cravings and lose weight while considering the needs of the female body.

The Hourglass Fit formula consists of cayenne, black pepper, glucomannan, 5-HTP, zinc, chromium, and the essential vitamins B2, B6, B12, and zinc.

While many natural appetite suppressants use one ingredient to suppress hunger, Hourglass Fit contains three natural appetite suppressants, all working slightly differently. These three ingredients are glucomannan, 5-htp (5-hydroxytryptophan), and chromium.

Glucomannan is a low-calorie soluble dietary fiber that expands in your gut when it comes into contact with water, taking up space and making you feel full.

This will not only prevent food cravings and overeating but also cause the nutrients from your gut to be released much slower, ensuring they are all effectively processed and utilized instead of being turned into stored fat and making you gain weight.

5-htp is an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier. This lets it aids serotonin production, which will boost your mood, suppress hunger, help you reduce your calorie intake, improve your sleep quality, focus, and relaxation, and prevent anxiety and depression, all of which aid weight loss.

The metal and chemical element chromium also boosts serotonin production and focus. However, it is instrumental in diet pills as it reduces blood sugar levels, improves nutrient absorption and utilization, and makes all other ingredients more effortless to absorb and far more effective.

Cayenne pepper extract contains capsaicin, a mild appetite suppressant that will control hunger cravings, help you stick to a balanced diet, and consume fewer calories.

It also promotes thermogenesis, meaning it raises your internal body temperature. This will boost metabolism and body fat burning to aid weight loss directly while reducing inflammation and pain to ensure you can work out frequently and keep losing weight.

Black pepper extract contains the alkaloid piperine, a mild thermogenic fat burner. It is included in diet pills because it is a bioavailability enhancer, which will significantly improve the absorption and efficacy of everything else they contain.

The B vitamins boost metabolism and nutrient absorption, enhance the health and functions of the immune and nervous systems, and boost antibody, bone marrow, cell, DNA, nerve sheath and red blood cell production and functions, bodily tissue repair, and your overall health and fitness.

The mineral zinc stimulates the pituitary gland and improves your luteinizing hormone and testosterone production. It will also boost DNA synthesis, energy levels, eyesight, immune health and functions, metabolism, and recovery time, and reduce inflammation and the signs of aging.

By combining the effects of fat-burning and appetite-suppressing supplements in one weight loss pill, Hourglass Fit can help women lose weight from every angle while looking after their bodies. We rank it the best appetite suppressant and weight loss supplement for women today.


  • Combines the effects of fat burner and appetite suppressant supplements
  • Uses only optimal doses of high-quality ingredients proven to aid weight loss and suppress appetite
  • It is designed to help women lose weight while taking the needs of the female body into account


  • One of the more expensive non-prescription appetite suppressants
  • It has to be bought directly from the official Hourglass Fit website

Instant Knockout Cut


Instant Knockout Cut are weight loss pills primarily designed to burn fat, as they were created to help professional combat athletes shed stubborn fat and lose weight fast while preserving muscle mass in the build-up to a fight, without using any ingredients banned by any significant sporting bodies.

However, the manufacturers then support weight loss further by adding a significant degree of appetite suppression to their non-prescription diet pills, which compares with any of the top appetite suppressants.

The Instant Knockout Cut formula only uses clinically proven natural ingredients that work harmoniously. It consists of glucomannan, caffeine, black pepper extract, cayenne pepper extract, green tea extract, l-theanine, and vitamins B6, B12, and D3.

Glucomannan, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and the B vitamins were all present in Hourglass Fit and will again benefit fat burning, weight loss, nutrient absorption, appetite suppression, and inflammation levels in the same ways they did before.

Caffeine is a popular and powerful stimulant that boosts metabolism and energy levels. It also promotes thermogenesis, increases fat burning, brain functions and focus, and reduces fatigue, which will help you train harder, burn fat and calories faster, and lose weight quicker.

Green tea extract is a source of natural caffeine, boosting metabolism, energy levels, and weight loss. However, it also contains the antioxidant catechin EGCG, which reduces inflammation and pain to let you train harder and prevents the bloating and digestion issues that dietary fibers can cause.

The amino acid l-theanine prevents stimulants like caffeine from causing side effects. It also improves your recovery time, sleep quality, focus, and energy levels. It promotes calmness and relaxation, which will help you lose weight by enabling you to train harder and preventing fat storage.

Vitamin D3 is put in natural weight loss supplements to prevent vitamin D deficiencies, which can make you gain weight while reducing body fat storage, boosting testosterone production, protein synthesis, energy levels, body weight, and fat loss, and keeping your body healthy.

Undoubtedly the best fat burner on the market, it can burn stubborn fat stores and preserve lean muscle mass while controlling your hunger cravings. That is why we rank it as one of the best appetite-suppressant supplements for women who want to overhaul their body composition thoroughly.


  • The best choice for women seeking appetite suppressants to boost fat burning or restore normal fat metabolism
  • Will boost metabolism, fat burning, energy levels, workout performance, and weight loss all at once
  • All the ingredients are clinically proven, optimally dosed, and work together to help you lose weight.


  • Not specifically designed for women
  • It has to be bought directly from the official Instant Knockout Cut website.

Hunter Burn


Hunter Burn is designed to promote weight loss by suppressing appetite, accelerating the burning of stored fat, and preventing you from gaining additional body weight. This makes it one of the best appetite suppressants for women with problems sticking to a healthy diet.

The Hunter Burn appetite suppressant pills primarily consist of green tea extract, glucomannan, vitamin D3, cayenne pepper extract, l-theanine, and white kidney bean extract.

Green tea extract, glucomannan, cayenne pepper extract, vitamin D3, and l-theanine have all been seen in the other hunger suppressants we have looked at and will again provide all the same benefits.

They suppress appetite, boost fat loss, energy levels, workout performance, focus, immune health and functions, sleep quality, nutrient absorption, and relaxation, and reduce anxiety, bloating, stress, fat gain, and inflammation. This will help you lower your BMI (body mass index) and enjoy weight loss.

The new ingredient, white kidney bean extract, is sometimes called phase 2 and inhibits the digestion of some dietary starches you consume in a balanced diet. They are not broken down and sit in the gut until they are either fermented by the bacteria in the colon or excreted with the rest of your waste.

This means your body will absorb fewer calories than usual, even if your calorie intake doesn’t change, which will prevent fat storage and keep your blood sugar levels down. This makes it an ideal ingredient in appetite suppressants for women who struggle to control their food intake or have diabetes.

By combining optimal doses of appetite-suppressing and fat-burning ingredients, Hunter Burn will promote weight loss by enabling women to reduce their calorie intake and train harder and longer while burning fat directly, preventing them from gaining body weight even if they cheat on their diet.

When you then add in that it is perfectly designed to be used with the other two dietary supplements in the Hunter Evolve range to overhaul your mental and physical health, Hunter Burn is easily one of the very best appetite suppressants for women who struggle to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan.


  • An ideal natural appetite suppressant for women worried about controlling their food intake or gaining fat
  • Uses a diverse range of ingredients proven to be of use in appetite suppressants, like green tea
  • It can boost metabolism, energy levels, fat burning, recovery, rest, relaxation, exercise performance, and the burning of calories, fatty acids, and fat.
  • Designed to be used with the other dietary supplements in the Hunter Evolve range


  • It is not explicitly designed as an appetite suppressant for women
  • One of the pricier OTC appetite suppressants
  • It has to be bought directly from the official Hunter Burn or Hunter Evolve websites.



TrimTone is unlike most natural appetite suppressants for women, as suppressing appetite is not its primary goal. While it can reduce appetite a reasonable amount, its primary purpose is to give women more energy so they can train harder and achieve body weight loss independently.

This has led to it becoming one of the most popular supplements for women before hitting the gym, as it can combine the effects of hunger suppressants and pre-workout dietary supplements.

The TrimTone formula consists of five ingredients: glucomannan, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, caffeine, and grains of paradise. Glucomannan, green tea extract, and caffeine have all been in the other natural appetite suppressants we have examined and provide the same benefits.

They reduce appetite, food cravings, inflammation, and blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and boost your energy levels, metabolic rate, nutrient absorption, workout performance, fat metabolism, brain, heart, and immune system health and functions, and rate of body weight loss.

Green coffee bean extract is made from unroasted green coffee beans, which contain natural caffeine and an antioxidant compound called chlorogenic acid, and it offers similar benefits to green tea extract.

The natural caffeine will boost your energy levels, workout performance, and weight loss. Chlorogenic acid reduces appetite, carbohydrate absorption, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, prevents blood glucose spikes and fat and weight gain, and boosts metabolism.

Grains of Paradise is a herb in the ginger family that is said to have thermogenic properties. It is claimed to activate the brown adipose tissue stores in your body, a substance that burns fat and promotes weight loss without causing you to lose any of your lean muscle mass.

However, there are a few issues with the TrimTone appetite suppressant that we need to mention.

It does support weight management, but it won’t suppress appetite, burn fat, or directly stimulate weight loss, as well as some of the other natural appetite suppressants we have seen. Some ingredients also need proof that they are helpful in appetite suppressants or weight loss pills.

It’s also one of the pricier natural appetite suppressants and can cause some mild side effects.

However, suppose you are a woman seeking natural appetite suppressants to boost your energy levels and aid weight loss. In that case, TrimTone can still be one of the better natural appetite suppressants.


  • One of the top natural appetite suppressants to give you energy as it has ingredients like green tea
  • It may stimulate the activation of brown adipose tissue, which burns fat
  • Can burn fat, aid weight loss, and suppress appetite through all known mechanisms
  • Offers some additional health benefits not linked to appetite suppressants


  • This may cause some people to experience side effects, especially if they are sensitive to stimulants.
  • It is not a vegetarian or vegan-friendly appetite suppressant, as it contains gelatin.
  • Will not suppress appetite as well as some of the very best natural appetite suppressants
  • One of the ingredients has not been proven capable of suppressing appetite or aiding weight loss.



Leanbean is another dedicated female appetite suppressant to help women combat hunger and sugar cravings. It is also a gluten-free and vegan-friendly supplement, one of the most affordable natural appetite suppressants today.

The Leanbean formula consists of glucomannan, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, green coffee bean extract, choline, potassium chloride, and acai berry extract.

We have seen glucomannan, green coffee bean extract, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 before in the other appetite suppressants we have examined. They’ll again deliver all the same effects to some degree.

Beyond their appetite-suppressing properties, they will boost your metabolism and energy levels, aid fat loss and nutrient absorption, stop you from gaining weight or fat, reduce inflammation, carb absorption, and blood pressure and sugar levels, and improve your body’s overall health and functions.

Choline is a nutrient structurally similar to a vitamin or amino acid in appetite suppressants. It is said to improve muscular contractions and focus and reduce inflammation. This would help you train harder and enjoy a better rate of weight loss, fat loss, and muscle growth.

Potassium chloride is made of the mineral potassium and the electrolyte chloride. It is put in appetite suppressants to boost your blood pressure and energy levels, exercise performance, weight loss, gut health, fitness, mood, and cell and internal organ health, prevent or treat several illnesses.

Acai berry extract is put in appetite suppressants on occasion as there are claims it can combat high blood glucose and cholesterol levels, inflammation, and swelling, boost immune health and functions, treat various illnesses, stop you from gaining fat, and keep you fit, healthy, and active.

There are a few issues with the Leanbean appetite suppressant that we do have to mention, though. Not only is it less potent than some of the very best appetite suppressants, but some of its ingredients also need more proof that they are even for use in appetite suppressants.

However, these issues should not be overly surprising for appetite suppressants in this price range. As a result, if you are shopping for appetite suppressants designed for women to help stimulate weight loss while shopping on a tight budget, Leanbean can still be one of the best appetite suppressants to try.


  • One of the cheapest herbal appetite suppressants for women
  • Specifically designed as an appetite suppressant for women
  • It can boost weight loss and your metabolism, recovery time, and energy levels and prevent cravings
  • It is wholly natural and contains no gluten or animal products


  • Some ingredients need more proof that they are helpful as appetite suppressants.
  • It will not aid weight loss as effectively as the top appetite suppressants.
  • There have been complaints of people experiencing bloating and stomach pains.
  • It has to be purchased directly from the official Leanbean website

Final Thoughts On The Best Appetite Suppressant Supplements For Women

OTC weight loss supplements are a great way to help you lose weight and reduce food intake and hunger pangs without using prescription appetite suppressants. Several good appetite suppressant supplements exist, but the best one for most women is Hourglass Fit.

Capable of suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss as effectively as any prescription appetite suppressant, it is the perfect tool to help women enjoy safe and effective body weight management. That’s before we even get to its other benefits, like promoting healthy blood sugar levels.

If they do not sound like the proper appetite suppressant pills for you, then one of the other natural supplements on our list surely will. For everyone else, though, we strongly suggest you try Hourglass Fit and see how well it can suppress your appetite.


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