David Pilgrim represents the best interests of Maple Valley and should be re-elected to City Council

For the past eight years, Dave Pilgrim has devoted his energies to serving on the City Council

Having lived in Maple Valley for only the past 15 years, I suppose that many of you longer term residents may feel that I’m not as qualified to endorse yet another council member, or the Maple Valley City Council. (Flynn works for Better of All-Oct. 16 issue of The Reporter).

However, one member of the current Maple Valley Council stands out far and above any of the members running for re-election.

For the past eight years, Dave Pilgrim has devoted his energies to serving on the City Council. He has always been available to discuss issues that have become concerns to the residents, not just by phone, e-mail or after council meetings, but at any location you may be able to meet him.

One such time occurred when my husband and myself met him in a local shopping center. He stopped what he was doing and discussed an issue with us for the better part of an hour. He could have said, “Let’s meet at another time, or perhaps, send me an e-mail,” but he realized that the issue was important enough for us and made it his priority as well. This has happened not just to us, but in speaking with others, many of my neighbors have had the same experience in meeting with Dave.

During his service as councilor for the past eight years, his voting record has always been for the betterment of the residents of Maple Valley, and not because some other members of the Council wanted a different agenda.

He is well known for being a businessman and is also well aware of the Economic situations that have had an impact not only on our City, but on the residents as well.

Dave has the full interest of the residents of our City, and by being elected to another term, we as residents can feel comfortable in that fact.

I urge you to re-elect Dave Pilgrim to the Maple Valley Council.

Evelyn DeFrisco

Maple Valley