
Jenkins Creek Elementary School teacher Connie Compton was featured on the KOMO-TV program “Northwest Afternoon” April 16 as the recipient of an All Spreading the Love award.

Teacher saluted by television show for ‘nicer place to live’

Jenkins Creek Elementary School teacher Connie Compton was featured on the KOMO-TV program “Northwest Afternoon” April 16 as the recipient of an All Spreading the Love award.

The award recognizes people who “have spread love in different ways to make the world we live in a much nicer place to live, love and learn,” a program spokesman said.

Compton was nominated by a parent of one of her students, Joanna Cebulla, for being instrumental in her son’s development.

Tahoma Grad Night needs chaperones

Tahoma High School’s class of 2008 needs at 13 more chaperones for its Grad Night party June 10, organizers of the event said last week.

The next meeting for planning the event is scheduled for May 22 at 6:30 p.m. at school. Additional information is available from Patty Phippen at (425) 432-7475.

PTA group seeks board volunteers

The Tahoma Junior High-Middle School PTA needs parents to volunteer for positions on its board for next school year.

Without participants, the group faces cutting back or ceasing its services. Additional information is available at

Sociology student earns scholarship

Emily Martindale, a former Kentlake High School student, has been awarded a $750 Evelyn W. Hacker Colonial Dames/Daughter of the American Revolution Scholarship at Washington State University.

Martindale has been on the President’s Honor Roll and is president of the Sociology Club at WSU.

She graduated from Kentlake in 2004 and also attended Green River Community College. She’s the daughter of Rochelle and Keith Martindale of Covington.

PTA council award goes to assistant superintendent

Mark Haddock, a Kent School District assistant superintendent, recently received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Kent Area Council PTA Board.

Haddock was honored for mentoring a student and serving on several committees and the council board.