Gift-giving for kids that never goes out of style


The holidays should be a time to reflect on our blessings. But when Santa brings up the rear of the Thanksgiving Day parade, he ushers in what sometimes seems to be the season of “getting.”

During this time, our children are being bombarded with commercials aimed at getting us to buy them even more stuff. In our society, children often don’t want for anything, or at least not for long. Most of us here in suburbia have the basics of food, shelter and clothing. But for kids, all the commercialism surrounding the holidays can make them feel that they are deprived if they don’t have the latest toy or gadget – even if their toy box is already overflowing.

I’ve personally never heard a parent complain that their kids don’t have enough toys. And they didn’t all come from us. When the holidays roll around, the grandparents, aunts and uncles often would like to buy little Johnny a gift. Add Santa to the mix and soon the present pile is growing.

Small children especially are often over-stimulated by all the toys and as a result don’t play with any of them for long. So what can we do as parents to help our children be thankful instead of contributing to the next entitlement generation?

Before the holidays, try doing a toy “clean out.” Help them choose which toys they no longer play with or like and give them to charity.

Build charity into your holiday budget. There are many bins and dropoff points around town in which one can donate new toys for children in need. Let each child help you pick out a small gift and then take them with you to drop it off. Explain that not every child gets all they want for Christmas. If they are old enough, encourage them to contribute some of their own money toward the gift.

Do the same with food. Many grocery stores have donation stations for food. Explain to them that not everyone has enough to eat. The little ones won’t quite get it, but you are planting a seed. You could also consider volunteering (with your children) at a soup kitchen or other charity that feeds the hungry.

If your children already have more than enough toys, consider asking grandparents and other relatives to give something different, such as a holiday outfit or book. Another idea is to ask for experiences instead of toys, such as tickets to a holiday show.

Encourage children to give presents. This helps to shift the focus to giving rather than getting. They don’t need to buy gifts; they could draw a picture or make a simple craft for relatives. Or they could help bake cookies for the neighbors.

Have them write thank-you notes. These are appreciated, especially by out-of-town relatives who don’t get to see your child open their gift. For the preschooler, you can write the note, then let them decorate or color the card. Older children can write their own.

Please say thank you. It sounds simple, but teaching basic manners at a young age does make a difference. They may only do it when reminded at first, but it eventually becomes a habit.

Start family traditions that focus on your blessings. One fun thing that we do with our kids at Thanksgiving is to write down a list of the things for which they are thankful. This can also be done in the form of a craft, by having them make or color a “thankful tree” (draw a tree and write the things for which they are thankful on the leaves). These are frequently hilarious, especially if you keep them from year to year and read them aloud.

Finally, encourage thankfulness year-round. At dinnertime, try going around the table and having everyone tell one thing for which they are thankful.

Many charities say that they receive a lot of contributions during the holidays, but they need help the rest of the year as well. Continuing charitable giving after the holidays is a good way to remind our children and ourselves of all the things we have that are worth appreciating.

Tiffany Doerr Guerzon, a homemaker and freelance writer, lives in Maple Valley. She can be reached at