Valley Medical Center emergency department a reasonable option | Letter

I see MultiCare is being very aggressive in representation at public hearings and Letters to the Editor in their attempt to sway public opinion concerning future emergency room capabilities in Covington. I have a friend who has used their Urgent Care clinic and is very happy with them. I’m sure they have fine staff. However, before deciding to nix the Valley Medical Center (VMC) emergency room option, let me share my recent experiences.

I see MultiCare is being very aggressive in representation at public hearings and Letters to the Editor in their attempt to sway public opinion concerning future emergency room capabilities in Covington. I have a friend who has used their Urgent Care clinic and is very happy with them. I’m sure they have fine staff. However, before deciding to nix the Valley Medical Center (VMC) emergency room option, let me share my recent experiences.

About a year ago, one of my specialty doctors near VMC retired. I thought why not find one closer out here. I searched the web and found MultiCare had one who came to their Covington branch once a week. I called to make an appointment and was told the doctor was not accepting new patients. Why put a doctor into a new area that is not accepting new patients? So back to the VMC area I went.

This week, I needed to make an appointment with a spinal specialist. I called the doctor recommended by my family physician and was told I could make an appointment either at their VMC area office or the Covington office. Of course, I chose the Covington option. VMC also has the new MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and related equipment here in Covington and has been investing in their future here, so I will be able to get most of the testing done locally. I have had not but outstanding service from staff and associated doctors.

From my experiences, I would like to have a VMC associated emergency room capability nearby and believe they should be allowed to build an emergency room in Covington (note this is not a hospital). The site near Costco seems to be reasonable for this limited operation and is pretty much equal distance to all parts of Covington.

Gary Wigle
