Schools don’t need extra frills | Letter to the editor

The more neighborhoods that are built in the district the more money the district gets yet every year Tahoma School District asks for more money.

Voters in the Tahoma School District are homeowners, some of whom are financially well off. Others are senior citizens, widows or widowers living on a small fixed income, even young families just making ends meet, and poor families with little to spare. There are taxpayers who cannot afford to buy a Starbucks even one day a week, taxpayers who still brew their own coffee the more affordable way, and some taxpayers who just drink water. There are also in the district many voters who are renters and do not pay real estate taxes at all. It is the homeowner who ends up paying taxes for schools.

Values of homes have gone down in previous years but taxes have always gone up! King County has the option of adjusting tax rates according to what they think they need. Under the economy before the recent real estate crash homeowners paid less taxes when their house was worth more and now that the house is worth much less we pay higher taxes. However, almost all the taxes we pay King County go to local school support.

The more neighborhoods that are built in the district the more money the district gets yet every year Tahoma School District asks for more money. The many new houses being built are the reason for the new students because of those new homes the school district will realize more money without another bond issue. Besides, schools do not need all the extra frills and fancies that they seem to want these days. There is much good to be said about a rotating school schedule and year-round school.

Just vote no on this bond issue.

Jim and Ruth Armstrong

Maple Valley